We support national service and community volunteerism in the state of Montana, the "Last Best Place".
To leave a comment for the Governor or request assistance with unemployment or any other state agency matters, please reach out to Constituent Services at (406) 444-3111.
P.O. Box 200801
Helena, MT 59620
ServeMontana Staff
Kristina Jordan Program Officer (406) 444-5547 kristina.jordan@mt.gov |
Sarah Sadowski Director (406) 444-2573 ssadowski@mt.gov |
Keena Irby
Fiscal Officer
(406) 444-1809
Elaine Dahl
Grants Specialist
(406) 444-1360
General Inquiries
(406) 444-9077
serve@mt.gov |
Anastasia Matheison
Administrative Specialist
(406) 444-9077
anastasia.matheison@mt.gov |