Governor's Gift of Life Ceremony
Since April 2014, the Governor's Office of Community Service and their partners, LifeCenter Northwest, recognize Montanans who gave the ultimate gift of organ donation. Families receive the Gift of Life Award signed by the governor, acknowledging the life-saving gifts of their loved ones.
Organ donation is a rare opportunity, and the generosity of those who choose to donate impacts everyone involved from family members and medical professionals to our friends and neighbors. Donors and their families made a life-altering decision to turn a tragedy into healing, and we are continuously thankful for their strength and courage to leave a powerful legacy of hope.
Honoring Those Who Give
For decades, people from across Montana’s cities, rural towns, and tribal communities have been impacted by organ donation. In the past, families of organ donors received the opportunity to engrave a leaf with their loved ones name and have it adorn the Tree of Life; a sculpture by artist Jim Dolan.
In 2023, the Governor's Office of Community Service received approval for an outdoor memorial on the Capitol grounds. The Threshold of Life design, by Bozeman-based architect Ken VanDeWalle, considers the sloping topography of the Capitol Park area and creates an intentional space for all visitors. The design is an inclusive memorial to honor past, present, and future individuals and families impacted by organ donation. This new addition to the Capitol Complex will serve as a symbol of hope and honor generations of Montanans for years to come.
In accordance with House Bill 585, the cost for the procurement, installation, maintenance of the memorial must be paid from private funds. With a goal of raising $500,000 in the next five years, this project will serve to honor those who gave others life. Your tax-deductible gift honors the memory of truly generous citizens and beautifies the Helena Capitol complex, forever.

Get informed. Tell family and friends your choice. Know how to register.

Over 108,000 people in the United States are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant, including nearly 200 Montanans, and sadly, 17 of those people die every day. Making the decision to become an organ donor can be an influential way to lead a life of hope.
After making the decision to become a donor, be sure to talk with your family about your decision. If you are 18 or older, registering provides legal authorization for donation and transplantation that family cannot override. But do not worry, donor families are supported through the donation process to honor the gift of life.
Want to learn more about the donation process and registration? Visit our partners at LifeCenter Northwest to learn the facts, bust some myths, and be inspired by stories of hope and healing.
You can also call toll-free at 1-877-275-5269 to request a brochure or say “YES!” when renewing your driver’s license.