Get informed. Tell family and friends your choice. Know how to register.
How You Can Help
- You can give back to your community by helping others to understand how donation can save and heal lives. Get informed at www.donatelifemt.org, or calling 877-275-5269 for resources.
- Get a conversation going. Share what you learn with family and friends. Click here for resources on the LifeCenter Northwest website to educate your community.
- Do you have a connection to donation and want to share your story? To see the LifeCenter Northwest website and Stories of Hope click here.
- Over 108,000 people in the United States are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant, including nearly 200 Montanans.
- Sadly, 20- 22 people die each day waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.
- One donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and help heal many more lives through tissue and cornea donation.
Who can donate?
Anyone can register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor regardless of age, ethnicity, or medical history.
How do I become a registered organ, eye, and tissue donor?
- Register online at www.donatelifemt.org.
- Call toll-free at 1-877-275-5269 and request a brochure to fill out and return.
- Say YES to donation when renewing your driver's license. Residents who already have a heart on their driver's license are automatically added to the registry managed by LifeCenter Northwest.
Is there any cost to the family for donation?
- There is no cost to the donor's family for organ, eye, and tissue donation.
What if an individual is a registered donor, but their family is opposed to donation?
- If you are 18 or older, registering as an organ, eye, and tissue donor provides legal authorization for donation and transplantation that family cannot override. Donor families are supported through the donation process to honor the gift of life.
Will I receive all emergent medical and life saving treatment if I am registered?
- If you are sick or injured and admitted to the hospital, the number one priority is to save your life. Organ, eye, and tissue donation can only be considered after death is determined.
More Information
LifeCenter Northwest is dedicated to saving lives through organ and tissue donation. As a federally designated nonprofit organ procurement organization and an AATB-accredited tissue recovery organization, we seek to be good stewards of the gift of life. We work with families, medical professionals, and communities across Alaska, Montana, North Idaho, and Washington. Register today to be an organ, eye and tissue donor and leave a legacy of hope.
To read the Stories of Hope reflecting the impact of organ and tissue donation, visit https://lcnw.org/stories/